Egress Windows

Egress Windows in Idaho Falls, ID

Do you have a basement that you’re planning to finish? Or perhaps you’ve already finished your basement, but are considering using it as a bedroom. Whatever your plans are, egress windows are an essential part of basements that you should consider installing.
What are egress windows? These special windows are built into basements where the basement is all below ground. With an egress window installation, a special window well is created.
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Egress Windows in Idaho Falls, ID

Dirt is removed from an area around the basement wall and held back using a special structure often made of metal. Then, the window is installed into the basement wall.

Egress window installations in Idaho Falls, Idaho are so important because these windows, in addition to providing light and ventilation, also offer an escape route in case of fire. If you spend a lot of time in your basement or your basement has a bedroom in it, these types of windows may be required by law. 

These windows should allow a person inside of the building to exit, and also allow rescue professionals to enter your home. Of course the window has locks and the same precautions that all windows typically have, but the necessary space must be created to allow a person in or out.
When you require an egress window installation, you need the help of professionals. At Evolution Concrete Cutting, inc, we are experts in installing egress windows to meet all regulations while also ensuring that the work is done safely and conserves the integrity of the structure of your home. We’re also sure to check water drainage issues and prevent any problems that may arise through the creation of an egress window.
Call Evolution Concrete Cutting, inc to discuss your egress window installation today! We’ll be happy to answer all of your questions and set up an appointment to evaluate your property. We look forward to serving you.
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